Change your password

Change your password to your own password for easier and faster handling of your login process.
How can you change your password?
Log in with your old password. You can then change your password with my data into a password of your own.

Forgot your password

Click on and choose to log in. Enter your email address and click on forgot password. You will immediately receive a new password by e-mail.
You can change this password yourself. How? See text above: change your password.

Change your data

Changing your data can be:

  • E-mail address;
  • Name, address and place of residence;
  • Phone number;
  • Etc.

You can change all of this yourself by logging in with your email address and password and then changing your data to be changed in my details .

Copy receipt

If you want a copy of the invoice, you can do this very easily by logging into your account and choosing MY DETAILS at the top of the page.
Here you will find all your previously ordered goods / invoices

Do you have any questions: 

We are available from Monday & Tuesday (10am to 1pm) Wednesday to Saturday (10am to 5pm)

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